Prof. Teachout: “One of the original sins in modern thinking is the separation of thinking about economics and politics.” KINDERHOOK, NY … August 9, 2016 — Hard-left-wing academic turned congressional candidate Professor Zephyr Teachout, who moved to New York’s 19th Congressional from New York City only recently so that she could run for congress, evidently has won an early and logical endorsement — from The Communist Party USA, John Faso for Congress today announced. The rave review of Prof. Teachout’s radical politics comes via the Party’s news organ,, formerly known as the Daily Worker. The mission of, among other things, is “to popularize the ideas of Marxism.” “Prof. Teachout is a Vermonter-turned-North-Carolinian-turned-Brooklynite-turned-NY-19 renter who went to New York State Supreme Court in 2014 to prove that she was a New York City resident so that she could run for governor. Now she and her cohorts have their eyes set on an upstate New York congressional seat, in an area she neither knows nor has any connection to, as a platform from which to push their leftist agenda nationally. “It’s no surprise that the Communist Party newspaper would be one-hundred-percent behind this hard left-wing academic,” said Faso campaign manager Dain Pascocello. “They nor she have any connection to the 19th district; this all about getting one of their ideological ilk to a microphone in Washington via any available route. The families of the 19th congressional district have zero to do with their plans.” Faso, a former local assemblyman and long-time community advocate, has lived in upstate Kinderhook with his wife, Mary Frances, for more than 30 years. Mr. Faso, who predictably calls a “right winger,” wants to lower personal income and business taxes to spur investment in the economy and cut excessive red-tape government regulations that are holding back job development in New York. Mr. Faso has a reputation for focusing on issues that directly matter to his constituents. “Families in NY-19 deserve a representative in congress who actually knows them and who will look out for their interests in Washington,” Mr. Pascocello continued. “That’s in no shape or form Prof. Teachout, a radical academic you pray your kids don’t get when you pack them off to college.” ### From the website: Peoplesworld.orgis a daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker. Published by Long View Publishing Co., People’s World reports on the movements for jobs, peace, equality, democracy, civil rights and liberties, labor, immigrant, LGBT and women’s rights, protection of the environment, and more. provides the same coverage in Spanish. People’s World and Mundo Popular are known for partisan coverage. We take sides. Yours. The editorial mission is partisan to the working class, people of color, women, young people, seniors, LGBT community, to international solidarity; to popularize the ideas of Marxism and Bill of Rights socialism. The websites enjoy a special relationship with the Communist Party USA, founded in 1919, and publish its news and views. People’s World and Mundo Popular are part of the People Before Profit Network. Content on the website is licensed under Creative Commons . Since the first issue of the Daily Worker came off the press in 1924, this press has been in the battles of the U.S. working class and people’s movements. From the battles of the unemployed and the campaigns to organize the CIO in the 1930s-40s, through the civil rights and peace movements of the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s to the struggles that have given us the “new” labor movement, to the people’s upsurge that elected our first African American president, and now the growing movements for a progressive, people’s agenda – the 99% – People’s World and Mundo Popular have been there. People’s World is part of the American independent and free press tradition, and now the growing netroots movement, in the U.S. Funded exclusively by readers – no corporate money, People’s World employs a small staff, but has a mighty network of volunteers, and together proudly produce what many call “the best working-class coverage in the country.” Memberships: People’s World is a member of the International Labor Communications Association and is indexed in the Alternative Press Index. Staff members belong to The Newspaper Guild/CWA, AFL-CIO. John Faso (R-Kinderhook) is former Republican leader of the state Assembly and candidate for Congress in the 19th Congressional district. To learn more about Faso, visit ### |