Delgado Pushes False Attacks to Distract Voters from Desire to Implement Single Payer
October 2, 2018

Delgado’s Push Towards Single Payer Would Result in People Being Kicked Off Employer Plans, Doubling of Taxes

Valatie, NY – Antonio Delgado’s repeated use of false talking points to attack John Faso’s health care record is meant to distract the voters from his own disastrous plans to implement a government-run, single-payer system. With the help of Nancy Pelosi and her Super PAC, Antonio Delgado peddled false attacks about pre-existing conditions and the so-called ‘Age Tax’.

Now, he is peddling single-payer healthcare while refusing to say how he would pay for a one-size-fits-all government plan that would require at least a doubling of federal individual and corporate taxes to finance.

With Pelosi behind him, Antonio Delgado has made it clear that he thinks the American healthcare system should move to government-run, single payer system.

  • Delgado said we have to “fight with all of our might to get the profit motive out of the health care system and fight toward a Medicare for All system.” (NY19 Candidate Forum, 5/12/18, Clip begins 19:50)

Medicare for All is just a poll-tested term (much like everything else Mr. Delgado says) for a government-run, single-payer healthcare system. It would kick 158 million Americans off their employer and union sponsored health care plans and into a one-size-fits-all government plan.

Additionally, this single payer plan would cost over $32 trillion, which would certainly require a massive new tax increase in order to pay for it. Estimates from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University concluded that doubling federal individual and corporate incomes taxes would not even pay for the plan. To this point, Antonio Delgado has still not said how he proposes to pay for this massive plan.

  • “A doubling of all currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax collections would be insufficient to finance the added federal costs of the plan.” (The Mercatus Center , 7/30/18)

Finally, a single-payer system would end Medicare as we know it by ending the current system and forcing seniors into the new plan.

As a leading recipient of dollars from Nancy Pelosi and her SuperPAC, Antonio Delgado would be a loyal foot soldier for her radical, left-wing agenda in the House. Pelosi after all has admitted that the Affordable Care Act was “a bridge to European-style universal coverage.”

  • “‘I supported single-payer since before you were born,’ said Pelosi, who has argued since the passage of the Affordable Care Act that it could be a bridge to European-style universal coverage.” (The Washington Post, 3/26/17)
  • Delgado recently received $14,000, including max PAC donations, from her on June 29th.  (Pelosi Leadership PAC, FEC.Gov) (Nancy Pelosi for Congress, FEC.Gov)
  • “The House Majority political action committee is investing more than $800,000 into advertisements” (Albany Times Union, 09/04/2018)

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