Don’t be Fooled, Delgado Supports Single-Payer
October 3, 2018

Despite his Recent Claims, Antonio Delgado’s Entire Abbreviated Political Presence in New York is Based Around Single-Payer

Valatie, NY – Antonio Delgado hasn’t been in New York 19 long, but his time here has been all about running for Congress on a socialist platform. During his race to the left during the primary, Delgado repeatedly espoused his support for a government-run takeover of our healthcare.

  • Delgado said we have to “fight with all of our might to get the profit motive out of the health care system and fight toward a Medicare for All system.” (CD 19 Democratic Debate, 06/04/18, Clip begins 1:12:00)
  • “And I think we can have reasonable disagreement on how to achieve the outcome that we all most desire and as I said repeatedly, the outcome is to push time and time and time again with great effort toward a system of Medicare for All.” (NY Candidate Forum, 05/12/18, Clip begins 1:26:15)
  • “…we will make our way in a very natural organic way towards a single-payer system with the system being able to take that transition over an extended period of time in a far more democratic process. That to me is the best approach thank you.” (New York District 19 Congressional Candidate Forum, The Contenders, 12/14/17, Clip begins 15:20)

The evidence is clear: Antonio Delgado is a full-throated supporter of single-payer, government-run healthcare, and will be partnering with Nancy Pelosi to implement it. However, his bosses in D.C. have given him permission to say whatever is necessary to win during election season.

  • ““Yes, I anticipate that I’ll be the person with the gavel in hand, but I haven’t asked anybody for a vote, in fact, I’ve told the candidates, ‘Do whatever you have to do, just win baby.’” – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, during a question and answer session at the Texas Tribune Festival.” (Fox News, 10/02/18)
  • Delgado recently received $14,000, including max PAC donations, from her on June 29th. (Pelosi Leadership PAC, FEC.Gov) (Nancy Pelosi for Congress, FEC.Gov)
  • “The House Majority political action committee is investing more than $800,000 into advertisements” (Albany Times Union, 09/04/2018)

Medicare for All is just a poll-tested term (much like everything else Mr. Delgado says) for their government-run single-payer healthcare system.

The Democrats’ single-payer plan would end Medicare as we know it by raiding the Medicare Trust Fund, which seniors have paid into their entire lives.

Additionally, their single payer plan would cost over $32 trillion, which would certainly require a massive new tax increase in order to pay for it. Estimates concluded that doubling federal individual and corporate incomes taxes would not even pay for the plan. To this point, Antonio Delgado has still not said how he proposes to pay for this massive plan.

  • “A doubling of all currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax collections would be insufficient to finance the added federal costs of the plan.” (Charles Blahous, “The Costs Of A National Single-Payer Healthcare System,” The Mercatus Center , 7/30/18)

Finally, their single-payer would kick 158 million Americans off their employer and union sponsored health care plans and into a one-size-fits-all government plan.

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