Leader of the Single-Payer Movement Endorses Delgado, Urges Her Own Supporters to Finance Delgado’s Campaign
Valatie, NY – Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren embraced Antonio Delgado and sent out a fundraising plea via Twitter to her supporters urging them to donate to Delgado in an attempt to prop up his campaign.
In his short time in the 19th district, Antonio Delgado has embraced the socialist agenda supported by Elizabeth Warren, most notably a government-run takeover of our healthcare in order to implement a single-payer system. In a desperate ploy to join Warren in Congress, Delgado has been lying to New York seniors about a non-existent ‘age tax’ that was debunked by Politifact New York.
“Antonio Delgado has been a strident champion of a government-run takeover of healthcare in partnership with Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren,” said Joe Gierut, communications director for the Faso campaign. “He has said repeatedly that hisdesired outcome is a single-payer system, and this week he was caught lying by Politifact. Antonio Delgado will say anything and move anywhere to gain power and join socialists like Elizabeth Warren in their quest to implement single-payer. The Democrats’ plan would end Medicare as we know it, more than doubles taxes to pay for it, and kick over 150 million Americans off of their employer and union provided plans.”
This isn’t the first time Elizabeth Warren has rushed to her comrade’s side. In a video address for the left-wing group Swing Left, Elizabeth Warren urged her supporters to travel to the 19th district to convince 19th district residents why out-of-district carpetbagger Antonio Delgado should represent them.
- Delgado attended a Swing Left event in Brooklyn on September 24th with the hope that the New York City attendees would travel to the district to prop up his lack luster voter contact program. (NY Take Back the House Event at Brooklyn Bowl, 09/24/18, Audio of Delgado starts at 55:50)
Delgado has long relied on out of district activists to carry his campaign. A few weekends ago, a bus full of Manhattan activists traveled up to the district to canvass for Delgado. He featured them in pictures at his campaign headquarters, seemingly attempting to make it look like his voter contact team is full of in-district support.
- “And I think we can have reasonable disagreement on how to achieve the outcome that we all most desire and as I said repeatedly, the outcome is to push time and time and time again with great effort toward a system of Medicare for All.” (NY Candidate Forum, 05/12/18, Clip begins 1:26:15)
The Democrats’ single-payer plan would end Medicare as we know it by raiding the Medicare Trust Fund, which seniors have paid into their entire lives.
Additionally, their single payer plan would cost over $32 trillion, which would certainly require a massive new tax increase in order to pay for it. Estimates concluded that doubling federal individual and corporate incomes taxes would not even pay for the plan. To this point, Antonio Delgado has still not said how he proposes to pay for this massive plan.
- “A doubling of all currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax collections would be insufficient to finance the added federal costs of the plan.” (Charles Blahous, “The Costs Of A National Single-Payer Healthcare System,” The Mercatus Center , 7/30/18)
Finally, their single-payer would kick 158 million Americans off their employer and union sponsored health care plans and into a one-size-fits-all government plan.