I would like to thank U.S. Rep. John Faso, R-Kinderhook, for his leadership in co-sponsoring a common sense fix to our broken agricultural labor system.
The Family Farm Relief Act will help farmers like me meet our seasonal labor needs and cut more bureaucratic red tape. If enacted, the bill would move the critical H-2A visa program from the Department of Labor to the Department of Agriculture. Why is this overdue fix necessary? Agriculture staff are better positioned to focus on the specific needs of family farms and agricultural businesses rather than dealing with other labor-management issues.
Dairy cows are not the same as dot coms, after all.
The measure would also give my H-2A applicants the choice of filing their visa applications on paper or online ā a welcome update ā and requires that the Agriculture Department report to Faso and other members of Congress if there are delays in the application process.
Having Faso on the House Agriculture Committee is welcome news for those of us in the dairy, livestock and vegetable crop trade. He knows these issues and he’s translating our concerns into support for meaningful legislation that will actually get results.
Timothy Ooms