New York gets another chance to listen to John Faso
February 19, 2016

via New York Post

John Faso is running for a House seat in the Catskills, and that’s good news for New York.

And for Republicans, because the former Assembly GOP leader is one of the best his party has to offer.

Indeed, the Empire State would be better off now if Faso had won higher office long ago. Had voters backed him in either of his two statewide runs, New York would’ve been spared the subsequent woes of a corrupt Comptroller Alan Hevesi and/or a venal Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

Faso came close against Hevesi in 2002, losing by just three points. He’d labeled his opponent “ethically challenged” and denounced him for politicizing pension funds.

Hevesi was later jailed in a corrupt pay-to-play scheme involving, yes, the state pension fund.

That wasn’t the last time Faso played Cassandra. As the GOP gubernatorial nominee in 2006, he warned that his opponent, Spitzer, was temperamentally unsuited for the job, having one set of rules for himself and another for everyone else.

Faso lost again — and again was later proved right, as New Yorkers would learn when their governor was unmasked as the infamous Client No. 9 of a call-girl ring.

Now Faso’s running for the Hudson Valley seat being vacated by his longtime ally Rep. Chris Gibson, who’s sticking to a self-imposed three-term limit.

This isn’t an endorsement; others may jump in the race.

But we’re glad to see John Faso back in the game. This time ’round, let’s hope New York listens to any warnings from this thoughtful and incisive official.

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