Abandons all Pretenses of Principle;
Dives Headfirst into Cuomo and Hillary World
NY-19, July 14…Vermont-native-turned-New York City-professor-turned Hudson-Valley weekender-turned-NY-19-congressional-candidate Professor Zephyr Teachout has dived headfirst into the transactional worlds of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and presumptive Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in order to enlist their financial and material support in her run for congress, the campaign of congressional candidate and 30-plus year upstate resident John Faso today noted.
“Professor Zephyr Teachout got herself famous in left-wing circles by calling out Andrew Cuomo and Hillary Clinton as corrupt shills for monied interests in Albany and Washington and on Wall Street, and now she’s hitched up with both of them because it’s politically advantageous to her,” said Faso spokesman Dain Pascocello. “This shouldn’t come as a great surprise when you consider that Professor Teachout has a habit of relocating to wherever there’s an office to run for, but for those who genuinely believed what she said about Cuomo and Clinton this has to be dismaying. In joining the Cuomo and Clinton fold, Professor Teachout is demonstrating the very type of self-interest that she railed against to make a name for herself in her adopted state.”
In 2014, Professor Teachout went to State Supreme Court to prove that she was a New York City resident so that she could run in a Democratic Party primary against Cuomo. Governor Cuomo’s campaign maintained that the Professor was a Vermonter who had not yet established residency in New York State.
“What Professor Teachout wants is a platform to become a national figure; she has zero interest in the day-to-day concerns of this district because she simply doesn’t know it,” Mr. Pascocello continued. “After parachuting in, the Professor now asserts she is one of us and qualified to represent us. Just like with Sean Eldridge, the people of this district can sense a phony.”