Teachout Stands By Clinton as Email Investigation Reopens
October 28, 2016

Is NYC liberal professor still ‘proud to support’ scandal-scarred politician?

Kinderhook, NY … October 28, 2016 – Zephyr Teachout, the liberal New York City professor who moved Upstate this year to run for Congress, is standing with Hillary Clinton, the candidate she had previously denounced for her “four big corruption problems,” despite the Federal Bureau of Investigation reopening its criminal probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

Clinton has been criticized for alleged influence peddling at her family foundation as well. On Friday FBI director James Comey sent a letter to House committee chairmen announcing the law enforcement agency’s intention to reopen the case closed in July based upon the following findings: “In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to this investigation.” That “unrelated case” was subsequently revealed to have involved disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner.

“Potentially compromising our nation’s most important security-related secrets is a serious concern. Like Chris Gibson, you’ll always know where I stand on keeping Americans safe,” said Faso. “Zephyr Teachout’s support for a politician she labeled as ‘corrupt’ as recently as last year should raise concerns about her commitment to objectivity and following the evidence where it leads. So is she still standing with Hillary Clinton or not?”

Comey’s July report did not recommend charges but uncovered nearly 15,000 emails Clinton and her attorneys had not turned over to the FBI. Comey characterized the manner in which Clinton and her aides handled classified information as “extremely careless.”

“Corruption in America” author and liberal activist Teachout called Clinton corrupt in a 2015 op-ed, specifically referencing the Clinton Foundation’s cozy relationship with corporations, lavish speaking fees from corporate clients, and the Democratic nominee’s support for the Super PACs bankrolling her campaign’s message.

Teachout initially rationalized her Clinton support by remarking that “nobody’s perfect” in a July interview. Her Clinton flip-flop follows other hypocritical positions such as taking contributions from a known “dark money” group — whose donors are anonymous — and soliciting money from Super PAC mega-donors such as billionaire George Soros. Teachout has recently come under fire for her stated opposition to New York’s property tax cap and her support for a national energy tax, positions she publicly denies.

“If Clinton or one of her aides intentionally hid evidence or mishandled secret information, it should disqualify her as commander-in-chief. What, exactly, would Clinton have to do to make Professor Teachout withhold her support? Voters here deserve to know, and a non-answer is still an answer,” said Faso.

Teachout was exposed earlier this month in a WikiLeaks email exchange from March 4 in which she appears to bow to pressure from the Clinton campaign team to refrain from publicly supporting Democrat insurgent candidate Bernie Sanders prior to the April 19 presidential primary. Using Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand as a surrogate, Clinton officials effectively bought Teachout’s silence despite her endorsement of Sanders in a 2015 op-ed in which she attacked Clinton for her “four big corruption problems.” Published reports describe a Gillibrand fundraising email sent on March 31 on Teachout’s behalf. Clinton would go on to win New York.

Faso is running on the Republican, Conservative, Independence and Reform lines for Congress in the 19th Congressional District to fill the seat now held by Congressman Gibson (R), who is not seeking re-election. Gibson has endorsed Faso’s candidacy.

Mr. Faso and his wife, Mary Frances, a registered nurse, are the proud parents of two children. They have lived in Kinderhook, New York, for more than three decades.

John Faso (R-Kinderhook) is former Republican leader of the state Assembly and candidate for Congress in the 19th Congressional district. To learn more about Faso, visit johnfaso.com.


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